Moving from one home to another can be a confusing ordeal, even with the help of moving companies.

When the new residence is smaller than the first and downsizing is necessary, this confusion can be compounded.

Before the movers arrive, it is necessary to consider space constraints and how to fit things comfortably while reducing unnecessary furnishings and other items.

Downsizing is never easy; however, with the right plan of attack, anyone can weed out what they no longer need so that when the moving company begins loading the truck, the only things being transported is exactly what is necessary.

Clean, Declutter, and Organize

When a move is on the horizon and reducing household possessions is necessary, start by cleaning and decluttering the house to get a better sense of all personal possessions.

Throw out unwanted items, donate unneeded items, or even have a garage sale.

With a cleaner home, all the clutter gone, and unnecessary items out of the way, the next steps in the downsizing process will be easier to deal with.

Determine Personal Value of Household Items

Determining the personal value of household items rather than value in the dollar sense is what helps a person decide if something is worth keeping.

When downsizing before the movers arrive is a must, going through each room and deciding which items must make the move and which ones can be eliminated is a good start.

Letting go of personal belongings is never easy and some items hold more useful and sentimental value than others.

Separating the items that are not needed, duplicates, or don't hold as much personal value is a good way to begin scaling back.

How Often Is It Actually Used?

When trying to whittle through personal belongings to condense before the moving company gets there, many items may end up in a middle category of things that are not necessarily unwanted but are not sentimental must-keep possessions either.

A good way to deal with this group of items is to ask the question of how often the item is actually used and answer it honestly.

In many situations, items that have not been used in a year or two at the most will probably not be used in another year or two which makes them prime candidates for reducing the space they take up in the home before packing and moving them.

Another way to cut back is to give personal or family items to others in the family who may appreciate and want them.

Organize and Consider Creative Storage

Even after throwing things out, giving things away, and donating or selling items, there may still be too many things to comfortably fit into a new space.

Another way to downsize after the movers deliver everything is to invest in creative storage solutions.

By using efficient closet, cabinet, and under bed storage as well as creating unique storage solutions based on available space, it is possible to keep many items that did not initially seem as if they would fit.

There are many commercially available options to increase storage in small spaces and using them can make the difference between living in clutter and having an organized home without having to eliminate more items before the moving company arrives.

Downsizing Isn't Easy – But It Sure Helps on Moving Day!

Reducing personal items in order to downsize when moving to a smaller home is never easy; however, it can be survived when the right decisions are made.

By holding onto the most important and useful items and eliminating unneeded ones, there will be a smaller load for the moving company and less clutter at the new home.

This also provides the added benefit of cost savings when moving as most movers charge by load weight!

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